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  • Writer's pictureSeja Adao

5 Tips for a successful Christmas Party

Updated: Aug 31, 2019

Here comes the event of the year! Dress up, enjoy the night, and bond with workmates you never thought you would get along with. You guessed it, it’s time for the office Christmas party! And you’re probably here because you’ve been tasked to organize your company Christmas party.

Organizer or not, there’s one thing you need to know. To achieve a momentous event, you must go through rigorous planning. Coincidentally, we have 5 tips that would guarantee the success of your event.

The year is ending soon. And time is flying by so fast. If you want a successful corporate Christmas party, you’re going to have to start planning now. So, let’s get this party started!

AMI PH | Event Organizers in the Philippines

How can you organize a successful Christmas party? List down the essentials. It’s never too soon to start planning an event that involves every employee in your company. So, think of the event aspects that you need to settle now before the big day. Planning a Christmas party can’t be done overnight. Take into consideration that there is a list of things that you need to prepare. It’s Christmas for crying out loud. Plan the following event aspects:

  • Venue

  • Theme

  • Decorations

  • Performances

  • Games/Raffles

  • Awards/Recognition

Feeling overwhelmed yet? Don’t be. Keeping track of things to do will always result in the best outcome. Just imagine that feeling of achievement when the party goes as planned. It might look like it will take a lot of work, but you’ll be fine if you follow our tips. So, bring out the Christmas spirit!

Think about what happened at last year’s Christmas party. Did you go as an attendee? Did it meet your expectations? If you were the organizer, did you receive good feedback?

Meeting the benchmark that was set at your previous party can determine what you can do better. How? Focus on what your colleagues didn’t like about the previous party:

  • Was it too formal?

  • Did they like the caterer?

  • Was the event held at an accessible location?

  • Did they enjoy the event proper?

Christmas parties are tied with year-end awards for employees. Events like these provide recognition for all the hard work each employee exerted for the fiscal year. A Christmas party is where they can take the load off and just enjoy the night.

Ever heard of the saying, there is no greater teacher than the past? Improve this year’s Christmas party by identifying which areas last year’s party can improve on. The last thing you would want to hear is that the Christmas party last year was way better. Yikes!

Next up is picking a theme. Go for a theme no one will forget. Even if it’s completely unrelated to the Yuletide season. Get your creative juices flowing and brainstorm some ideas. You can also think about what your company stands for. Nothing better than a company Christmas party that also represents what you guys work for.

Great examples of an industry-themed party would be:

Travel Agency: Everyone must dress up in their best pilot/cabin-crew outfit. The venue would be designed as an aircraft during the Christmas season (First class, nothing fancy).

Corporate Offices: Have them dress up as their favorite actor/actress from a Christmas movie. Decorate the venue in a blanket of white snow and Christmas lights.

Your theme will define how the night plays out. Employees will tend to get hyped over the excitement of choosing what to wear. Don’t forget to prepare awards for the best dressed attendee!

Food is life. Your attendees will definitely enjoy the party when it’s tied in with great food. The satisfied tastebuds of your attendees will measure how well the party goes. Make sure the food is Instagram worthy to create a buzz about the raging Christmas party.

Now, selecting a menu is integral. Be reminded that your employees have dietary limitations. An all-meat buffet can’t be enjoyed by vegan/vegetarian employees. You can’t have a cheese fountain if majority of the people you work with are lactose intolerant. Make sure that the food selection will benefit everyone in the event.

Make the right choices with the food selection, and you can guarantee an 80% success rate. And here’s one more cuisine tip to take with you. Select a few dishes that we, Filipinos, usually serve during the Christmas season. Your employees will get a tinge of nostalgia from spending Christmas with their families.

There are different ways you can provide entertainment for your employees. If hiring a band doesn’t fit the budget, go for a DJ. Just make sure that the music suits the taste of your colleagues. Identify the songs that your employees’ demographics will dance to. Think of the best way you can make your employees feel like this party is exactly for them. Make sure the music sets the mood of the event. And you don’t need to go over budget, just to get the best bands. All your employees want to do at a party is to dance the night away. Hire a professional host so they can usher people towards social conversations.

By applying these tips, you’ll be able to organize a party no one will forget. A successful Christmas party is built with the effort invested by a dedicated individual or team. Be reminded that handling a Christmas party on your own will be too overwhelming. Get yourself a team that will help you with the bookings, checklists, and ideas.

Then again, it might already be too late in the year to plan a Christmas party. Why not hire a professional team of event organizers to organize your Christmas party for you? AMI PH caters to corporate events nationwide. If you need a helping hand, we’d be happy to help! Now, take these tips to heart and let’s plan your party together!

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