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  • Writer's pictureSeja Adao

Affordable extreme team building activities

Team building activities can be a drag for some employees/participants. They wouldn’t have already assumed that this is going to be something that they wouldn’t enjoy.

As the organizer or team leader in charge of the event one thing is for sure, to guarantee that everyone has the time of their lives, think of fun and extreme activities. Every individual has the thirst for something new, so why not bank on that and generate ideas that will cater to this. Here are some activities that can be both fun and extreme!

Run Time: 10-15 minutes

Participants: A small group of at least 5 members


- Each group will be given a sumo suit. The participant can’t run without the suit.

- Each group will now form a straight line from the start point.

- At the end of 100 meters, there must be a prize to claim and passed on to the subsequent member.

- Once every member has gone through the track they must now yell their team cheer.

- The group that finishes the fastest wins.

Objective: This activity promotes fun and extreme sports since you are given a suit that you can barely move in alongside a task that requires tremendous effort from point A to point B. It may also promote building relationships among peers since you can’t wear the suit on your own. Should a suit not be available in your neighborhood store, you may try to think of a tight suit that requires aid in putting it on. Be as creative as possible if needed.

AMI PH | Event Organizers in the Philippines

Run Time: 15-30 minutes

Participants: The group must be divided into pairs


- The participants are given a blindfold

- They must select their designated driver

- The goal of the game is to get from point A to point B, within the track, there must be rocks/obstacles to overcome

- The participants must be given instructions away from the track

- The first pair to get to point B wins

Objective: This can be done within the office premises or open space, either way, it becomes chaotic since everyone will be yelling at the same time. Since you may be paired with one of your closest colleagues it may be easier for you to recognize each other's voices. Imagine doing this with someone you aren’t really close with? Now that becomes interesting.

Run Time: 30 minutes to 1 hour

Participants: All the members of your activity


- The organizer will create questions that are difficult to answer. (This can be as random as possible or company-related)

- For every correct answer given, this will unlock a clue for the participants.

- For every clue that they get, they will inch closer to escaping the room.

- For every wrong answer given, this will deduct the time given to escape.

Objective: Each member of the group must participate and provide ideas to answer a series of questions given. Each question must also cater to the strengths of the members in the room. For an added twist, you may even do this in separate floors of a building, and as they get the correct answer they can move up a tier.

AMI PH | Event Organizers in the Philippines

Run Time: 30 minutes

Participants: The group must be divided into pairs of two

Tools Needed:

- A simple recipe for scrambled eggs (Enough for the participants joining)

- This must be done in a kitchen if there aren’t enough burners you may also use electrical stoves or butane ran stoves


- The pairs will be given the ingredients and burners to work with

- One participant will be blindfolded, they can only answer (YES CHEF for every instruction they are given)

- The other participant will only give instructions for their partner

Objective: The activity will build trust among peers and will focus on teamwork. The challenge is how chaotic it may be with the other pairs doing the same thing. And of course the icing on the cake, blind cooking is pretty extreme.

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