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  • Writer's pictureSeja Adao

Event Planning: All you need to know in 2019

Being keen to details is always an advantage for planning a great event. It would come down to polishing every nook and cranny needed for the success of your project. It seems tedious to get worked up on the tiniest aspect of your event, but even the slightest slip would initiate the failure of such. Here are some steps that you could take in achieving the best event possible.

AMI PH | Event Organizers in the Philippines

Make sure to know who would participate in the event that you plan to organize. The best interest of the people attending should be your top priority. This would be due to the fact that the event itself would be for their benefit. Preparing name tents or name tags would be of great help for the participants in the event. This would build camaraderie among colleagues and initiates socialization.

For a successful event, the audience/participants involved play a vital role in planning. They can measure how you would approach the event and also conceptualize what the outcome should be.

One factor for a successful event would be the preparation done for audio and visuals. This includes stage set up, projectors, speakers, microphones, and alike. Finding an A/V professional wouldn’t be a bad idea; you are a planner not an expert with tech savvy equipment’s. Having guest speakers using a microphone that gives feedback once turned on isn’t a pretty scene.

A buffet is not going to serve itself, especially if you would want everyone in the event to at least get a decent meal. Your chairs and table won’t fix themselves either, stage decorations aren’t going to pop out of thin air. As an event organizer/planner, you must be able to assign or designate the task to a team of people that have the same mindset as you. It will now become their responsibility to have all the external aspects of your event done the way you have planned.

They are as important as the participants/guest that you have invited to partake in the event. They are integral to your success and must be working like a well-oiled machine to avoid chaos during the event proper.

Spending more than you can afford for an event will never end well. This does not mean that you are going to sacrifice the quality of the event and avoid allocating the appropriate amount to spend. Wants and Needs are balanced throughout the process. You must also consider that there are aspects of your event that wouldn’t be a need for both you and the participants. There are moments when you would need to alter the allocated budget, however, it doesn’t mean you should go overboard.

As an event organizer, you must be able to put yourself in the participants place. What are you going to gain from attending the event? What are the things that you expect to happen? How can this benefit you in any way? These are simple questions that run through every participants mind. Their goal at the end of the event would be their betterment as an individual. They measure such through the enjoyment/fulfillment they gain after the program.

You would have to keep in mind that if you were an attendee/participant, your goal is to leave the place with a smile on your face and a story to share. The best way to check if the event was a success would be hearing feedback that participants have. Positive feedback boost morale and negative ones aid in your improvement as an organizer/planner.

AMI PH | Event Organizers in the Philippines

No matter how much you comply with a plan, there will be road blocks that you must overcome. Simply put, things don’t always turn out the way you have planned. As an organizer you must be flexible enough to adapt to changes made on the spot. Given a certain situation, you are tested on how you would think on your feet to attain the success of your event.

Do not forget to ask your team for their take away on the event as well. Even if the night was a success, there would always be room for improvement. As a planner/organizer you must be able to spot these things in order for you to prepare for the next one. There is no perfect event, but rest assured, in time you may achieve the best event.

Event planners don’t have it easy, but with these steps, we can assure the success of your event; it’s a task that takes a lot of time and effort. You must have the mindset, perseverance, and determination to achieve only the best. With that being said, AMI PH has a pool of individuals ready to take that journey with you. With your best interest and goals being the top priority of the events we plan together.

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