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  • Writer's pictureSeja Adao

How to Organize a Corporate Event (easy tips and tricks)

Companies would always use events to ease the stress of their employees. Not everyone is gifted with talents to easily spearhead activities like this. Corporate events cater to building office relationships and socialization among unfamiliar colleagues.

Hosting and planning an event is not a walk in the park. This must be your lucky day since all you need are these easy tips and tricks that can surely aid in the success of your gathering.

AMI PH | Event Organizers in the Philippines

Your location plays a vital role in the success of your event. You must be able to see what you are working with and start from there. You wouldn’t be able to conceptualize what type of event you are planning to conduct. And you wouldn’t even foresee the possible theme to run.

The location of an event must be within the proximity of your employees. If it takes one employee thirty minutes to get to the event center but takes three hours for the majority of his/her colleagues, then this isn’t the place to be. You wouldn’t want your employees going through the hassle of at least making it to the event on time just because they had difficulty getting a lift.

Your location must also cater to the theme that you plan to execute if there would be enough space for the table, sound systems, stage, people/audience… etc. This must be taken into consideration because you wouldn’t want to have a dance floor filled with table and chairs, would you?

One thing that event organizers have already mastered, they can religiously stick to a budget. An important aspect of your event would solely focus on the areas where you would need to ponder on expenses. A nifty trick that we have unlocked would be to generate a check-list. Your check-list must contain both WANTS and NEEDS that your event will accommodate.

As an event organizer you must master the art of compromise. This doesn’t mean that you must settle for less, sacrificing quality over quantity. A trick is to keep in mind that you must maximize your employees interest and work your way up. This would mean that you would also need to take into consideration the wants/needs of your employee’s to at least limit the budget you plan on spending.

Paying attention to details is one important asset that event organizers must-have. The tiniest set back in your event would be something you would least expect. Planning plays a vital aspect in organizing an event, since this would control the mood of the event proper.

One thing event organizers must not sacrifice for the success of their event would be the quality of every aspect. Imagine choosing a menu that can serve a hundred people but would taste like a can of soup, compared to getting a menu that cost a tad more yet taste like as it came from a four-star restaurant.

You aren’t superman, make sure to equally delegate the task at hand. Remember that successful events are not planned alone. Creating a team of experts is not an easy task as well. A great tip on hiring great people would be to find people with the same interests and goals that you have.

A gentle reminder on delegating tasks would be to ensure that every member of the team is given a set of responsibilities that they must dutifully follow. Make sure to provide reminders and words of encouragement for them to know that they are doing a good job.

Never take feedback in the negative light, the only thing constant in this world is change. As an event organizer you must be open to criticism to further betterment the outcome of your event. Before the event, make sure to get a different perspective before running the event, this could support the idea in aspects that you wouldn’t have seen on your own.

During the event, make sure to ask for tips on where you could have improved on so that you may take this into consideration for the next one. Some things may occur while the event is running, that can be improved onset.

AMI PH | Event Organizers in the Philippines

Make sure to ask for comments and suggestions after the event so that you may get a grasp of the entirety of your project. You would always want to know where you are standing after the event proper if there are things you could have omitted or done better. Only the attendees can answer this age-old question “How was it”. So make sure to get their two cents on the matter.

Follow these tips and we can guarantee that you would be one of the best event organizers in town!


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