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  • Writer's pictureSeja Adao

How to organize a corporate event for beginners

It’s never a bad idea to have things planned out. You can’t go wrong with having things organized, you are an organizer after all. The success of your event would dwell on the goal you have set and how well you executed the said goal.

Here are 7 things you would need to consider before you start organizing a corporate event, let’s walk through them together!

AMI PH | Event Organizers in the Philippines

A client would be the team/people that have reached out for your expertise. You can’t plan a pool party for a classy dinner that your clients request. This would be downright absurd since this is not what they asked for. As an event organizer, you must know how to cater to their best interest. Know your client, know their wants and needs, work from there and you are guaranteed a happy customer.

Clients would hire planners.organizers with an idea already at the top of their heads. Majority of our clients hire us to fully execute they have already thought of. Know the difference between throwing a house party and planning a seminar for a big company.

As an event organizer, it would be best to veer away from holidays since every neighboring company may have the same idea in mind. It would be difficult to find a great location for the best price since every company may be competing for the same place. Majority of the employees in a company have already planned vacation leaves during holidays, to ensure that every member can participate in an event would have these things taken into consideration.

A beginner would need to know that holidays are not the best days to conduct an event, and you may also suggest this to your clients.

As an event planner, you must be able to make yourself flexible enough to address different clients with different tastes. This would be because that not all events are the same and not all clients have the same output in mind. You may be a beginner at trying to plan things out, so venture into the different themes, locations, food, and alike. You must also ensure that the needs/wants of your clients are met with the output that you would deliver.

Clients will already have the figures sorted out, it would be your responsibility as an event organizer to utilize this budget without going over the budget given. One thing that you may need to take action on would be building relationships with vendors. A vendor would be the ones responsible for the aspects of the event that you would not have total control over.

AMI PH | Event Organizers in the Philippines

An event organizer can use social media to their advantage. In an age where technology has slowly taken over our lives, you must be able to maximize its use in the most resourceful way possible. Creating event posters and teaser videos can boost the visibility of your event. Your clients would conduct events both within the company premises and they may also ask for audiences outside to participate in their activity.

Being a beginner in the field would mean that you are not as experienced as the other organizers out there. Hence, you must be able to show them what you’ve got! Showing your strengths to your clients will always work in your favor. If you are credible in the art of food selection, then this would be your pitch to close the deal. Know your assets and use them to your advantage.

There will always be competitors in any business. You must be able to be on top of these competitors by showcasing what your services offer that they don’t. As mentioned in the previous tips that you are capable of building relationships, try to get the most out of them and offer them as your edge.

You will always be a beginner at some point in time, this doesn't mean that you aren’t supposed to take the risk. Taking that leap when you are about to start something new will always have its setbacks and rewards. Just give it a shot, and the rest will follow.

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